About Sandra

About Sandra Lee Dennis, PhD

Sandra Lee Dennis in a flowering fieldSANDRA LEE DENNIS, PhD, is an author, teacher and explorer of the interplay of depth psychology and spirituality. She holds an MA in Psychology and a PhD in Integral Studies/ Psychology and Religion. She has been on the faculty of several universities, as well as the San Francisco Jung Institute.

Sandra’s writings bridge the world of scholar and visionary. She loves to bring light to those subtle interior spheres that defy description, and that often feel frightening or appear unreal to the logical mind.  Her deep-diving explorations have helped many to “translate the darkness” — to name and bring compassion to their suffering, to the grief, anger, confusion and pain.

She was a teacher in the Gurdjieff tradition for many years, an Ananda Yoga instructor, and a long-time student of Diamond Heart work.  Currently, she is enjoying this wild and precious life in the San Francisco Bay Area.