Press Kit: Embrace of the Daimon
Press Kit: Embrace of the Daimon
“… the most honest work on the psychoid/imaginal realms since Corbin … I was stirred by the head-on engagement with these archetypal invasions, more like Jung in the Red Book than the scholarly Corbin. ” -Peter Rojcewicz, PhD.,Vice President, Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Antioch University Seattle
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• Book Info
Title: Embrace of the Daimon: Healing through the Subtle Energy Body: Jungian Psychology and the Dark Feminine
Author: Sandra Lee Dennis
Print Publisher: West County Press, 2013; Nicolas-Hayes, 2001
ISBN: 1939812038, 978-1939812032
Length: 266 pages
Kindle Publisher: West County Press, 2012
ISBN: 987-0-9851291-9-3
Bios/Photo of Sandra Lee Dennis
Short Bio:
SANDRA LEE DENNIS, PhD, is an award-winning author, teacher and explorer of the interplay of depth psychology and spiritual experience. She was a teacher in the Gurdjieff tradition for many years, an Ananda Yoga instructor, and a longtime student of Diamond Heart work. She has been on the faculty of several universities, as well as the C.G.Jung Institute of San Francisco. Sandra currently lives and works in the Bay Area.
Long Bio:
SANDRA LEE DENNIS, PhD, obtained her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and her doctorate in Integral Studies/ Psychology and Religion, from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is an author, teacher and explorer of the interplay of depth psychology and spirituality. She was a teacher in the Gurdjieff tradition for many years, an Ananda Yoga instructor, and a longtime student of Diamond Heart work. She has been on the faculty of several universities, as well as the C.G.Jung Institute of San Francisco.
Sandra’s writings have emerged from immersion and inquiry into interior life. As a phenomenologist, her work bridges the world of scholar and visionary. Her call has been to navigate and bring light to those subtle interior spheres that defy description and often appear frightening, painful, or unreal to the logical mind.
In translating difficult personal experiences, she tracks them to their collective, archetypal roots. Her deep-diving explorations and research have helped many to name, understand and heal their suffering with truth and compassion.
Her first award-winning book, Embrace of the Daimon, Sandra pioneered exploring primeval spaces of the unconscious psyche and their relation to feminine spirituality. Using a Jungian framework, she offers a rare account of a spontaneous eruption of taboo, wild stories and monstrous characters from the underground of the psyche. In the descending spirituality that emerges, she presents a practical method for healing the dangerous split between body, soul and spirit that afflicts our times. Reknown cultural historian, Richard Tarnas described her work as a “significant contribution to the phenomenology of altered states of consciousness.”
Her latest book, Love and the Mystery of Betrayal, was also honored with several awards. Sandra dives again here into dark recesses of the psyche that traditionally resist description, this time to explore grief, abandonment, trauma, and heartache. Casting betrayal as a profound initiation of the heart, she shares her own story while taking us through the classic stages of a “dark night of the soul” passage. She puts flesh on the bones of existing theories about trauma, trust and forgiveness to assist those journeying through the grief of loss, as well as those who would help them heal.
Sandra currently lives and works in the Bay Area.
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Interviews with Sandra Lee Dennis
Interview on Making My Mark
Interview on Reading to Distraction
Praise for Embrace of the Daimon:
“Sandra Dennis has written a courageous, important book. In Embrace of the Daimon, she moves psychology into a fuller engagement with the uncharted depths of archetypal, imaginal reality embedded in bodily experience. In this pioneering work, she forges a bridge between the worlds of the scholar and the visionary, and in so doing makes a significant contribution to the phenomenology of altered states of consciousness. Her prose is eloquently descriptive, precise, at times compactly poetic. Her first-person accounts are moving, often searing, in realms that traditionally resist description. Our era needs to hear her call for descent into dark recesses of the psyche that can reunite body and soul.”
—Richard Tarnas, Passion of the Western Mind and Psyche and Cosmos: Intimations of a New World View
“While I served as Dean of the School of Holistic Studies at JFK University several years ago, I came across a copy of Embrace of the Daimon and immediately read it. I was stunned. Not only because I deemed it the most honest work on the psychoid/imaginal realms since Corbin, but also because I never heard anyone speak of it. “How was that possible,” I asked? I am very glad that it shall be republished. I was stirred by the head-on engagement with these archetypal invasions, more like Jung in the Red Book than the scholarly Corbin. I shared it with a colleague at JFKU, who also praised it, and we would discuss it after hours.”
—Peter Rojcewicz, PhD.,Vice President, Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Antioch University Seattle
“This book is different in that it is truly sensitive to the soul. It is refreshing to trace the dynamic whereby we give soul earthly reality instead of psychologizing experience into the bodiless ether of pure reflection. I am especially drawn to this book for the many passing insights that are expressed so beautifully and tersely. I will cut them out and make them my appendix, my guidelines for dealings with the Devil.”
—Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul and Dark Eros
Awards and Endorsements for Love and the Mystery of Betrayal
USA Best Book Awards 2014 — Winner (Philosophy)
Next Generation 2015 INDIEFAB Awards—Winner (New Age)
ForeWord Reviews’ 2013 Book of the Year — Finalist (Body/Mind/Spirit)