by Sandra Lee Dennis | Mar 13, 2016 | Awareness, Love, Prayer, Psychological healing, Relationships, Spirituality, Surrender
“We are put on this earth a little space, to learn to bear the beams of love.” — Wm Blake A while back, I had occasion for a great welling of joy within a relationship. For a couple of weeks, I lived within a magical circle of mutual sweetness, loving and...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Feb 28, 2015 | Betrayal, broken heart, Emotional Pain, Grace, Grief, Healing, Love, Love and Betrayal, Relationships, Spirituality, Trust
“Our heart knows what our mind has forgotten — it knows the sacred that is within all that exists, and through a depth of feeling we can once again experience this connection, this belonging.” —Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee You need to give yourself credit if you...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Sep 13, 2014 | Divorce, Emotional Crisis, Emotional Pain, Grief, Love, Post-traumatic stress, Psychological healing
In the aftershock of my partner’s sudden exit from my life, I got a lot of suggestions from friends and family. I was advised to count my blessings that he was gone, to let go, to get over it and to move on as quickly as possible. I was plied with well-meaning...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Jul 12, 2014 | Betrayal, Grace, Healing, Love, Love and Betrayal, Relationships, Sexuality, Spirituality, Uncategorized
“When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.” —Martin Buber Sex is a potent mystery that binds and transforms us in ways we cannot anticipate. Sexual connection plants the seeds of...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Jul 9, 2014 | Betrayal, Love, Relationships, Sexuality
The people we most love do become a physical part of us, ingrained in our synapses, in the pathways where memories are created. —Meagan O’Rourke, “The Long Goodbye” The concept of casual sex has always eluded me. Although I came of age in the 1960’s...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | May 1, 2014 | Awareness, Betrayal, Love, Spirituality, Surrender
Happiness has become an obsession, a fad. Last year, more than 1,000 new books were released on alone on the subject. I know I caught the fever and was deep in the middle of my own “Happiness Project,” complete with hours of daily...