by Sandra Lee Dennis | Dec 28, 2017 | Awareness, Betrayal, broken heart, Forgiveness, Healing, Love and Betrayal, Prayer, Psychological healing, Relationships, Shock, Spirituality, Trauma, Trust
“Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine…” — William Blake Winter solstice, the year’s end! My favorite time of the year. The veil thins between worlds. The mystery of a loving universe, our trust in the light, seems to shout...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Mar 13, 2016 | Awareness, Love, Prayer, Psychological healing, Relationships, Spirituality, Surrender
“We are put on this earth a little space, to learn to bear the beams of love.” — Wm Blake A while back, I had occasion for a great welling of joy within a relationship. For a couple of weeks, I lived within a magical circle of mutual sweetness, loving and...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | May 13, 2015 | Awareness, broken heart, Creativity, Emotional Crisis, Existential despair, Grace, Grief, Healing, Love and Betrayal, Psychological healing, Relationships, Spirituality, Trauma
“If you don’t transform your suffering, you will surely transmit it.” —Richard Rohr Although I have written and published two books during the past fifteen years, I have never considered myself a writer. Ernest Hemingway said, “There is...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Sep 26, 2014 | Betrayal, Ego Defenses, Emotional Crisis, Grief, Healing, Love and Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress, Psychological healing, Rejection, Relationships, Trauma, Trust
After a mind-bending abandonment by my long-time partner I received a lot of well-meaning advice. Some friends recommended to me, if I was serious about healing, that I take “one-hundred percent responsibility for everything that happened.” When I expressed my...
by Sandra Lee Dennis | Jun 12, 2014 | Betrayal, broken heart, Emotional Crisis, Love and Betrayal, Rejection, Shock
The rejection of betrayal inflicts a unique, unprecedented pain you only comprehend once you experience it. If you are reeling from an intimate betrayal, you know. The depth of the pain stuns you, it changes you. Having your trust destroyed not only hurts, it shreds...